Stem cell hair restoration- exosome therapy

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How can exosomes restore your hair?

Exosomes are cellular secretory products. They contain micro RNA, messenger RNA, proteins and over 200 growth factors. They are mediators of direct cell to cell communications. They stimulate local cellular regeneration by stimulating cellular differentiation, anti-inflammatory response, angiogenesis and promoting organized healing.

When extracted from Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), exosomes contain 200+ growth factors including;

  • SCF: enables stem cell and melanocyte growth
  • TGFß3: converts inflammatory T Cells into anti-inflammatory regulatory T cells
  • VEGF: stimulates blood vessel formation
  • MIP-1: recruits mononuclear cells to the scalp
  • FGF: this potent growth factor affects a variety of cells

How are exosomes delivered to the scalp?

Dr Yinka performs a ring block to numb the area of the scalp she will be working on. Typically 5mls of exosome is used for half to full head diluted in Normal Saline in no more than 1:2 dilution. The exosomes undiluted contain 20 bilion / 1ml according to the manufacturer so 1;2 dilution still has 10 billion exosomes per ml. At RegenMD MedSpa we use a 27g needle to inject the exosomes into the subdermal layer of the scalp. Micro-needling is then performed on the area of the scalp to stimulate follicles and help spread of exosome around the hair follicles.

Patients can generally resume their normal schedules the day after therapy, you may be sore for about a week following the procedure. You should avoid strenuous exercise for one week while your scalp cells initialize regeneration.

It may take several months for you to experience the full benefits of exosomal therapy, according to hundreds of clinical trials on thousands of patients. As with any medical treatment, results will vary from patient to patient, depending on age, genetics, environmental conditions especially nutrition, and aftercare.


You might be a good candidate if:

• You are thinning or receding.

• You have been told that you are not a good hair transplant candidate.

• You are hesitant to commit to having a hair transplant due to concerns of unnaturalness.

• You are experiencing pattern progression after a hair transplant.

• You are concerned with the possibility of additional future loss.

• Women with female pattern baldness, especially if other therapies have failed.

• Women with generalized thinning.

• Women with focused areas of thinning.

• You have Traction Alopecia that has resulted in thinning (not bald) areas of your scalp.

*Exoflo therapy is especially promising for women as they often don’t have the necessary preserved donor to undergo a hair transplant. And so many times the only treatments available to them are either ineffective or bring unwanted side effects.

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